Title: AFHNY ---- Thumb: afhny-thumb.png ---- Tags: Architecture,Branding,Graphic Design ---- Sections: - text: "As the Graphic Designer for AFHny (formally known as Architecture for Humanity New York Chapter), I handle a variety of graphic needs, from individual project logos to AFHny's website. This is a series of name tags I designed for various events." _fieldset: text - img: name-card-2.png text: "" _fieldset: image - img: name-card-3.png text: "" _fieldset: image - img: name-card-1.png text: "" _fieldset: image - img: name-card-4.png text: "" _fieldset: image ---- Excerpt: As the Graphic Designer for AFHny (formally known as Architecture for Humanity New York Chapter), I handle a variety of graphic needs, from individual project logos to AFHny's website. This is a series of name tags I designed for various events. ---- Color-matte: #ff0000 ---- Color-text: #ffffff ---- Cover: afhny-cover.png