Title: Nashville Doulas ---- Text: The Nashville Volunteer Doula Program is a newly created organization. It is a volunteer-based doula service that delivers free hospital-based labor support services in Nashville, Tennessee. As their logo designer, I utilized the fertile woman intertwined with the iris, which is the "cultivated" state flower of Tennessee. I chose the "cultivated" flower as a parallel to the doula, who helps the laboring women. ---- Thumb: nashvilledoulas-thumb.png ---- Date: ---- Tags: Graphic Design,Icon Design ---- Sections: - img: salmon-red.jpg text: "" _fieldset: image - text: > The Nashville Volunteer Doula Program is a volunteer-based service delivering free support services in Tennessee. I redesigned their logo. _fieldset: text - img: downy-blue.jpg text: "" _fieldset: image display_as: stretch - text: "To create the logo I created a highly stylized, custom illustration depicting a pregnant woman intertwined with an iris, the state flower of Tennessee. The floral imagery parallels the doula's cultivating relationship to her patients." _fieldset: text - img: desat.jpg text: "" _fieldset: image ---- Color-matte: #ffffff ---- Color-text: #000000 ---- Cover: nvd-cover.png ---- Excerpt: The Nashville Volunteer Doula Program is a newly created organization. It is a volunteer-based doula service that delivers free hospital-based labor support services in Nashville, Tennessee.