Title: ElastiCity ---- Text: This project was originally a pencil drawing that I created for a class on space. I have since turned it into a graphic in order to fully develop and edit the design. ---- Thumb: elasticity-thumb.png ---- Date: ---- Tags: Architecture,Drawing,Graphic Design ---- Sections: - img: ec-5.png text: "" _fieldset: image display: stretch display_as: stretch - text: > This project was originally a pencil drawing created for a class on dimensions and space. _fieldset: text - img: ec-1.png text: "" _fieldset: image display: contain - img: ec-2.png text: "" _fieldset: image - text: > I have since turned it into a graphic in order to better develop the concept and edit the design. _fieldset: text - img: ec-3.png text: "" _fieldset: image display: contain - img: ec-4.png text: "" _fieldset: image display: "1" display_as: stretch ---- Color-matte: #ffffff ---- Color-text: #000000 ---- Cover: elasticity-cover.png ---- Excerpt: This project was originally a pencil drawing that I created for a class on space. I have since turned it into a graphic in order to fully develop and edit the design.