Title: Marked ---- Text: This is a series of advertisements for a mock office supplies company called "Marked." The branding scheme focuses on personalization and creativity. ---- Thumb: marked-thumb.png ---- Date: ---- Tags: Advertising,Branding,Graphic Design ---- Sections: - img: notebooks.png text: "" _fieldset: image - text: > A series of advertisements for a mock office supplies company called "Marked." _fieldset: text - img: drawing-pen.png text: "" _fieldset: image - text: > The brand is focused on personalization and creativity. _fieldset: text - img: pens.png text: "" _fieldset: image - img: scissors.png text: "" _fieldset: image ---- Color-matte: #ffffff ---- Color-text: #000000 ---- Cover: notebooks.png ---- Excerpt: